I've got enough done now of Sally the Scarecrow to take a picture.
This pattern is from Jean Greenhowe's Scarecrow Family Booklet.

In Gryffindor colours of course!
This pattern is from Jean Greenhowe's Scarecrow Family Booklet.

I'm planning on making the whole Scarecrow family for Kaylen. I was thinking I would have them all done for her 2nd birthday. (she's only 8 months old) These little dolls are a LOT of work!!!
I have the main body finished and now I just need to make arms, clothes, accessories, hair, stuff the body, sew on all the little extra bits and make a face. Oh geez, what have I gotten myself into???
Oh yeah, and one more thing.... Here's a picture of Kaylen's recently finished "Harry Potter" Hogwarts Vest!