Thursday, February 21, 2008

Yes, I'm still here

Okay, so it's been a while since I've posted. Sorry.
Yes, I'm alive.
What have I been working on lately? Well, I've been working like mad on a ladybug sweater for my cousin's baby due in March. It's nearly finished now. I just have to put it all together and add the buttonband and pockets. I'm also thinking of making a little hat to go with it (depending on how much yarn I have left over)

It really looks a lot better in person than in this picture. My camera has a problem with colours.


Marlene said...

Some knitterly news. Yaaay! I was about to go running through the streets calling "abandoned blog, abandoned blog!".

midgeling said...

Cute! Glad to see you back for a post. :-)